Your new assistant that allows your automatic screen press to print neck tags along with the chest graphic, all in one spin!
TagBot® is a fully automated 3-part system that turns neck tag prints into a profit center:
Tag Along Pallets
Specially designed pallets that offer dual printing for the neck and chest graphic.
Print Head Adaptor
Extends the squeegee & flood bar beyond the typical printing area, reaching the neck area.
A specially designed mechanical hand automatically loads and unloads the neck area of the garment, on and off of the Tag Along pallet.
Print the neck and front graphic all on one spin around the press.
Cut your tag print production time in half! That means only one dryer run and your shirt is ready to be folded/bagged/boxed! There is simply no way to match the speed and labor savings via any other neck tagging process in the industry.
- Doesn’t slow the press down
- Simple to operate
- Doesn’t interfere with chest graphic size
2021 Recipient of the Pinnacle InterTech Award from PRINTING United Alliance.
The Pinnacle InterTech Awards from PRINTING United Alliance honor the development of innovative technologies judged to be truly innovative and expected to have a significant impact on graphic communications and related industries.
Reduce production time by 50%
Printing neck tags no longer requires second handling of the garment
No additional staff required
Operating a stand-alone neck tagging machine is a thing of the past. Not to mention freeing up shop space.
Turn a pain into a profit powerhouse
Neck tagging is a growing aspect of the industry that is typically low-to-no profit, but it doesn’t have to be.